Welcome to ELITE100 Yacht Club

We offer a luxury yachting experience and social atmosphere with a unique and empowering opportunity for professionals and business owners of diverse backgrounds to make connections, form relationships and create powerful collaborations…

“ELITE100 Yacht Club is a unique opportunity for “passionate and committed” entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals to get engaged, connected and empowered through collaborative efforts and POWERful resources aimed to promote growth and catapult our success together”

– Shirley Johnson, Founder EYC

‘ELITE’ Business Membership

EYC membership has its privileges…

As an ELITE Business Member℠, business owners receive benefits unique to EYC, including collaborative business marketing, networking, yachting discounts, and other benefits.


Nauti Gurlz Club

A “Members Only” Social Club pleasuring the lifestyle, passions, playtime and appetite for success desired by the busy CEO and “BOSS” woman!


Join our Mailing List for updates, discounts, announcements and more!
